About me
Born in Livorno in a small classic italian sea city, nothing special,nothing strange
just a place like another but where fortunately you can chose the road of your life.
I grow up in many sport until my father,former professional cyclist,inspired me to
travelled in a long,exausting but enriching experience as professional cyclist career
until 2005.
Nauseated from that i spent an important pause from sport four years long where
i tryed to"survive" in a normal life.
Than in 2009,i decide to return in the sport world through what i can describe as
the most exciting,fulfilling,socializing,traveling and challenging
adventures you can live,and that's for me triathlon is.
As athlete i'm trying to get more i can in term of results and prize but as a man i
hope to improve my life in terms of ethical,social & mental grow,and in many cases,the
ultimate goal is much more difficult than the first!
Domenico Passuello